Further Your Lifestyle
Further Your Lifestyle
EP. 194 - if you want your best year yet, DO THIS! | Further Your Lifestyle Podcast
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| Further Your Lifestyle Podcast | EP 194
Watch here: https://youtu.be/rY4B50Xp0R8
5-Minute Reflection & Action Template: https://bit.ly/3Pu9W3Q
Welcome to the Further Your Lifestyle Podcast with Chris, your host! In Episode 194, we kick off 2025 by diving deep into the importance of reflection as we begin a new year and new milestones. Chris spends time discussing why reflection is crucial for progress and how to use past experiences to shape a successful future. This episode is packed with actionable insights, from taking a pulse check on your happiness to building realistic plans and embracing continuous improvement. A special 5-minute reflection and action template is also provided to help you turn your reflections into achievable steps. Join Chris as he offers practical tips and encourages you to start living the life you aspire to today. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with someone who needs a nudge to kickstart their year!
00:00 Welcome to the Podcast: New Year, New Beginnings
00:32 The Importance of Reflection
02:29 Assessing Your Happiness and Progress
04:39 Learning from Past Mistakes
12:07 Turning Reflection into Action
20:16 Setting Clear Goals and Embracing the Journey
25:20 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
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Yo yo yo. Welcome back to the Further your Lifestyle podcast conversations on lifestyle passions and hustles. My name's Chris, I'm your host and I'm super excited to be back here having the conversation with you. Episode 94, and we're kicking off a new year and it's 2025 at the time of this episode, which just blows my mind. This is the start of year five of myself taking a chance on myself, and it's also the fifth year of doing this podcast. It's the fifth year doing my business. It's just.
Speaker 1:It blows my mind that this is where we're at and this is probably one of the main topics of today, which is, we've been doing this for so long. But when you do continue to progress, when you get to a new milestone, when you get to a new period, when you get to a new season in this case, we're year number five and especially when you come to the end of a year, the topic or the theme that I think really comes up is reflection, and that's what I want to talk about today. I really want to spend some time with you and really dive into why it is so important to reflect. But also there is a bit of a side quest to this. One is because we're already in 2025, we're already into a new year, and whether you are listening to this in 2025, or maybe you found this later down the line if you're struggling to kind of get into a groove and figure out how to make this year your best year yet, this is the episode for you. This is the episode that I believe is going to help you get into that momentum and get into that zone, and it really comes down to the importance and taking the time. It's not going to take you a lot of time. You listen to this episode it's probably going to be 15, 20 minutes and you take action from it and you will make some amazing progress this year. Also, if you stick around to the end, there is a call to action where I'll give you a free template to kick your butt a little bit to get things into gear. I mean, look, if you don't want to listen and you just want to jump down to the bottom and pick up the template, sure go ahead, but I would appreciate if you stick around, If you enjoy these episodes, if you've been enjoying these episodes, please make sure you like, subscribe, leave a comment, continue the conversation, but, most of all, please share it with someone else that you think needs a big kick in the butt and help them further their lifestyle.
Speaker 1:So we're going to dive into that today. We'll take it slow, We'll get into it, I'll share some of my own thoughts and, yeah, let's roll the intro. So, begin with reflection. That's what you need to do if you are, whether you're stuck at the moment, getting into this new year, 2025. And look, there's heaps we can talk about of the past. There's lots I can talk about where we're at from last year, and I might even tap into that a little bit later in the episode.
Speaker 1:But I really want to make sure I'm spending the time here with you to give you what I think you need. And when we start a new year, when you start a new milestone period or when you start a new season, it could be a week, it could be a month, it could be a period. Whatever you want to begin with reflection and the best way to do this is you want to check your emotional state, and it's the easiest way to do this. And in the past, we've focused on rose, thorn and bud, which is a great process to take when reflecting, but I've kind of wanted to pull it back a little bit, take a different approach, and the first thing is just ask yourself, take a pulse check Are you happy or are you not Right now, with everything that's going on?
Speaker 1:And I'm not just saying like right now, in the moment, because, you know, maybe you just had an argument with your partner or you just had a bad day. I'm talking in general are you happy or not? And if you are happy, I want you to identify the specific reasons and the contributing factors of why you are happy. But more so, let's take it a step further and actually let's reflect on 2024 or let's reflect on the last year. Were you happy with that progress? Were you happy with the results? If you were, what were the specific reasons of why you're happy? What made you happy? What did you do that made you happy?
Speaker 1:Now, if you're not happy and let's reflect back on 2024 or the previous year what were the root causes that have caused you to not be happy? Now, don't just make excuses. Be genuine. Take some real time right now and think about what were the things that you didn't do or what were the things that made you unhappy. You didn't achieve it, you didn't get to a certain result. You didn't get this or la-di-da-di-da right. So what was it that made you happy, what was it that has made you unhappy, or what is making you happy and what is making you unhappy? Reflect on that. That will give you a really good baseline of where things are at Now.
Speaker 1:When we've got that, what you want to do now is you now want to consider what you had wished had happened in the past year. You know, I like to come into a new year and leverage the momentum that we do have because it's a fresh start. But I tell you, each day is a fresh start, so you don't have to wait around to the end of the year or the start of a year to really get things into gear. But, taking into account that that's what majority will do, what had you wished was going to happen in the past year, and how did that come into play? Did you actually get the results that you wanted? Did you get the outcomes you expected? Did you get the wishes you had dreamed for? And with that in mind, I want you now to examine why certain goals or why certain outcomes didn't materialize.
Speaker 1:And here you really got to be brutal with yourself. You really got to, you know, don't? You just got to be very transparent with yourself. Be blunt. Focus on the reasons rather than the superficial justification, like the justifications. Like we're not here to talk about excuses oh, I couldn't get it because I couldn't get my groove. It's BS, right? Like it is so silly to just make excuses and blame other people. It's easy to do that. But what were the reasons why you didn't? Maybe because you were just lazy, or maybe you just could not get into the zone, because you couldn't find it easy enough to actually go start. And that might actually lead back to maybe you just didn't have the right motivation, the right willpower, or you didn't have the reasons of why you were wanting to do it in the first place. Now, that's deep, but you got to get into that. You got to get philosophical with yourself. The other thing that I'll get you to ask yourself is what could have been done differently with the knowledge you now have.
Speaker 1:Now, the beauty of going through progress and not getting the results that we want, or not achieving the expectations we had thought, is we learn things. We learn what did work and what didn't work. Now I've been doing business for the last four years this is the fifth year starting and you know, we've gone from doing $60,000 to $80,000 to $120,000 to now doing over $200,000. And that growth has only come from lots of lessons, lots of mistakes, lots of you know what I thought were excuses, but actually dealing with things that was going to enable me to get things moving in the right direction and you learn that. You take that, you apply it and you put it to the new year. You take action and then you can do it a little bit better and that's how you gain, that's how you gain momentum and it really is really important. It leads to point number two that I want to jump into right now, which is extracting the lessons from prior learnings or situations, in this case, last year, and how do we apply them for moving forward.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I always reflected on when I was working the nine to five is when you received a bonus, that's for the work you've done. When you receive a salary increase, that's to keep you sticking around, and it's the same mentality, right? You need to look at it from okay, what were the things that you did this year and what were the lessons? What's the stuff that you can take from that that's going to help you really understand, to ensure that you can elevate yourself for the next year and that you're going to continue to want to stick around. Now it's not money related, but I'm using it as an analogy because we want to make sure that for the stuff you've done, even if it might not have been the achievement you expected there's lots of rewards and things that you can take from that that's going to enable you to want to stick around and make the next year your best year yet.
Speaker 1:So the first thing you want to do is we actually want to recognize and actually understand what we did achieve. And with this, you know. We basically want to recognize that achieving progress rarely comes easy, right. I mean, if everyone, if this was easy, everyone would be doing it right. That's the thing. There's going to be setbacks, there's going to be mistakes made, there's going to be challenges, and that's just the natural part of growth Becoming a better version of yourself, or building a business, or learning how to draw, or becoming, you know, a really good soccer player. There's going to be a lot of obstacles that you're going to have to embrace and in this sense, you yes, you you need to spend some time right now thinking about last year of what key lessons have you learned?
Speaker 1:What worked well, what didn't work well? So, if you got the results you wanted, right, Good on you, Really well done. And take from that what was working. So how do you replicate that Now, make it better, right? Then think about okay, maybe you didn't get the results you wanted, it's okay, it's all right, You've got time. So why didn't it work? Maybe you didn't sell enough items, or you didn't spend enough time focused in the right area, or you didn't spend enough time building that relationship, or you didn't actually dedicate the time you thought you would. These are all things. They're all valuable insights, valuable lessons that we can take for the new year of how we can apply them better.
Speaker 1:And the other thing we need to think about is, like how have you grown? What skills have you developed? What are the things that you've become better at? You know, where were you at the start of 2024? Where are you now, at the start of 2025? What's the difference? You know you as an individual are going to be different because you've experienced things. You might be different for the better, Maybe you're worse off.
Speaker 1:And again, like I'm not here to compare. I'm not here to say you should have done better. I'm not none of that stuff. I'm here to have a genuine conversation with you, so you can have a genuine conversation with yourself. Figure out what you want to do, Because if you want something, you've got to do something about it. No one else is going to do it for you. I'm not going to do it. I'm here to spur you on cheerlead. I'll support you 100%, but you've got to go do the work right.
Speaker 1:So you've got to really really spend the moment just now just figuring out what's the difference. What have you achieved? What have you grown with? What haven't you achieved? Why didn't it work? Really break that down. I can't do that for you, and we will have a bit of a template at the end that you can take. You can download it now if you wanted to Just go down to the show notes and pick it up, but I digress.
Speaker 1:The other thing we need to think about is the commitment to adapting. So, by looking at all these new and informed insights that you've been able to gather from the prior year, what you've achieved, what you haven't achieved, why it worked, why it didn't work from this we can build new strategies, moving into the new year and taking those things. And look, I'm not here to give you the strategy. I'm here to tell you that by taking this information, you're going to learn a lot about what you did do and what you didn't do, and a lot of it's going to be obvious. It's going to be a hard conversation with yourself, but by taking all these things, we can start to re-emphasize the continuous improvement focus over perfection.
Speaker 1:Most of the time, you need 80% of perfection, 100% to get the results that we need. Right For us. We might want 100%. If you go do something, you're going to do it exactly how you want it, but if you give it to someone else, maybe they're only going to get 80% of it done, and that 80% is probably usually going to be good enough, because your 100% is just unrealistic for them, because it's not their passion, it's not their joy, it's not their thing. If you're building a business, if you're creating something, if you're in your element, doing your hobby, you're going to be trying to do your 110%. Your 110 is their 100. Their 100 is basically 80, right. So that's why you just got to lower your expectations a little bit. So we've done the reflecting part high level.
Speaker 1:How do we now turn this into action? The first thing we want to do is we want to acknowledge that reflection is pointless without action. You can reflect all you want, you can think about all the things you should have, could have, would have had of yeah, didn't happen, whatever. But without action, nothing will happen anyway. So you've got to determine what specific actions I'll say it again what specific actions you can take today to move you forward to your desired outcomes.
Speaker 1:If you want to sell $20,000 worth of stuff on eBay, you need to have $20,000 worth of value, not your idea of it, but value to your customers, even available for them to purchase. If you don't have $20,000 worth of valuable items listed, how can you make $20,000 selling on eBay? So you've got to be specific. You've got to really understand how we're achieving the goals or the expectations or the things that we want. You've got to then ensure that your desired outcomes align with the results you truly want. Right, If you want happiness but you're doing something which doesn't make you happy, to think it's going to get you somewhere where you are going to be happy, it doesn't make sense.
Speaker 1:Now, don't get me wrong here. There's going to be things here which are going to make us uncomfortable. There's going to be a bit of the grind, a bit of the hard work, but you've got to find the overall happiness journey that you're happy to do. That's going to get you to where you want to be. And if where you want to be is that happiness place, make sure that it aligns right so ensure that your desired outcome aligns with the results that you truly want. So you want to create a clear and actionable plan. You want to break down the big goals with manageable steps.
Speaker 1:The big goals might be and look, I only talk about the things that I'm doing because that's relevant to me but this year we did just shy of $300,000. We did over $250,000. I think it was $286,000 in revenue in the business. Now, for me that's crazy because that's big growth. Now bottom line struggled a little bit, but my challenge going into the new year is okay.
Speaker 1:So there's either two things that I want to achieve. I either want to increase my revenue and keep the profit line the same because I'm going to make more money in my pocket, or I'm happy to sell the same amount do 280,000 or 300,000, but increase my bottom line. So lower my costs and increase my profit. I think, ideally, it'd be even better if I could do both, but increase the profit line and increase the revenue. But if you know, if my profit line is 20% net margin, so if I sell, you know $100,000 worth of stuff, I'll take $20,000 home. So if I can sell, you know, if I can sell a million dollars worth, this is not my goal for 2025. I'm just giving you an example. If I can sell a million dollars, I'm going to make $200,000 profit, right, so you get my point.
Speaker 1:So you've got to break down and understand. How is that even achievable and what are we even aiming for? How do we make that happen? If you want to make $300,000 in revenue, resell it you've got to sell 1,000 items at $30 each, right. Now, if you need to sell that many items, you need to be able to buy that many items. If those items cost you $5 each and you're selling 1,000 of them, you need to spend $5,000. Do you have $5,000 to get those items in sale? Will those items guaranteed to sell for that much? All these different things?
Speaker 1:You really got to be realistic about it, which reminds me also. You've got to be realistic about the timelines and the accountability measures in making this happen. We've all got 365 days into the new year. We've already passed a few days, probably a few weeks already, by the time this episode has come out. So you need to think about what am I going to be doing non-negotiable every day to make the progress that I want to get right? You got to be consistent. It's not about forcing yourself to be so burnt out that you can't survive. It's about how do you stay consistent over the long period of time, whether it's one item, five items, 10 items, 20 items, 50 items. This applies to anything you want to do better in your vegetable garden. Are you working in your vegetable garden daily? You want to be a better artist. Are you drawing daily? You want to be a better blogger. Are you blogging daily? What are you doing to grow? So you've got to be realistic about it.
Speaker 1:So now, as we move into the new year and this kind of what I was just saying before, especially in this case 2025, I can't believe we're here. We want to avoid the cliche of new year, new me mentality, right. Instead, let's leverage or frame the new year in this case, 2025, as the year you commit to actively living the life you want, Fair game. You want to recognize you're never not good enough to start living as you aspire. And this is where people get stuck. This is where people get. You know we're our own worst enemies when it comes to this. We wait and we delay until we take action. If you want to be good enough, you don't have to wait for the right time. You can do that today. You can start living the life you want today. You've got to understand that the growth part of that getting to that part starts today with being consistent and taking action over a long period of time. As I just said before Now a really good cliche, but it's so relevant.
Speaker 1:You want to lose weight? Maybe you want a six pack. You want to be, you know. You want to be the fittest guy or girl. You want to walk around? You want to have people looking at you, whatever, for whatever reasons. Right, it's up to you.
Speaker 1:But if you want a six pack, you've got to ask yourself the people who have a six pack. You know, what are they doing to have that? They're taking the daily action to exercise, to have the right nutrition, to eat well, to be consistent with those routines. At the moment. Now they've got it, it's a lot easier. They don't have to do as much hard work, because it's now about retaining and maintaining. But to get to that point they would have had to do a lot of actions of exercises, nutrition, headspace management, weight management, doing all the right things to get to that position over a long period of time. It could be six months, it could be maybe six years, I don't know. I don't have six pack abs, so you've got to understand if that's the life you want, start living it today. Start living what it takes to get to where you want to be.
Speaker 1:If you want a million dollar business, you've got to be doing things today that enables a million dollar business. It doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a million dollars today, but if you're not living, if you're not working, if you're not doing things that enable that, then how can you be doing it? I've brought this example up a hundred times probably not a hundred times, probably 20 times in my podcast over the last almost 200 episodes is there was someone that I asked them where do you want to be in five years? And they were a graduate and they said I want to be running my own business. I said, oh great, what type of business? And I said I have no idea. I said, okay, what are you doing to do this? Nothing, I just figured it's just a nice dream to have. I said okay, Because I had exactly the same dream. I knew I wanted to have my own business.
Speaker 1:I did not know what that business would be, but I was doing things daily on how to figure out what that looks like. I thought I was going to be able to make an online living from blogging at one stage. So I used to blog daily and I thought, yeah, the ads would come through and I'll be able to start earning passive income. It didn't happen that way. I adapted, I started a few other businesses. I started a few other brands. They didn't work out. I did make a little bit of money and then, finally, when I started this business my reselling business on eBay, my clothing. Well, I then have pivoted to then since to clothing. You know, that's when I started making really good money. And now I'm making even better money because I've continued to make those changes.
Speaker 1:And the point here is, if you're not working towards where you want to be and these aspirations and goals and dreams, then nothing's going to happen. And if you're not putting the actions in to make that happen, it's not going to happen. This is so. It's like a math problem, right? If you're doing zero plus zero, you get zero. If you do zero plus one, you get one, right. And then if you do one plus one, you get two. So you're getting that momentum, you're getting that action and you're getting those results.
Speaker 1:So next area that I want to talk about is practical steps and mindset shifts. So, with this and a lot of this is going to sound very fluffy and really cliche, but it works. It really works. You want to set clear and meaningful goals that are aligned with your values, and you can be very specific here. You can follow the SMARTS goal process, you can look that up, but I think really, what you want to be looking at is breaking down where you want to be. How long is that going to take realistically, and what is it going to take to get there? But the main focus is you want to prioritize routine and habits over the outcomes, right, so identify what you can do daily, what you can do weekly in terms of actions that will lead to those long-term results, Because I can do one thing today and it's not really going to make a big difference. But if I do one thing every day for 365 days, that's going to make 365 days worth of change and hopefully I'll be better from it. Whether it's you know learning how to play golf or whether it's learning how to draw. Maybe it's you know raising chickens. Maybe it's learning how to sell clothing. Maybe it's you know starting a Pokemon channel and learning how to buy and sell Pokemon. You just got to put in the reps right, and so you've got to identify.
Speaker 1:How do you do this on a consistent basis? I think I have one of the biggest questions that I have from people is like how do I stay motivated to do what I do? Here I am. This is year five of me doing this podcast. Now I could be spending a lot more time doing things in this podcast, but I don't want to get myself burnt out and because I haven't got my priorities focused on this podcast. I've got my priorities focused on my business. I want to make sure that I'm continuing non-negotiable dropping episodes every week for you guys.
Speaker 1:So I do that and I make that happen, and I have a routine and a schedule to make sure that that's going to happen. If I don't have that schedule or routine, it will not happen. If I want to do more, I have to bring in those routines and schedules. I have to reprioritize my time to bring in the time and effort to be able to do that. But is that what I want at this point? That's a different question. So you've got to work out what your priorities are and then move things around and obviously apply more focus to the things that you do want, All right. And you've got to embrace the journey. Everyone starts at zero.
Speaker 1:The difference between the success and the stagnation often lies between the persistence and the focused effort, right? So if you are persistent and you are taking time to be focused and putting in effort, you will make progress, which will eventually lead to the success in the nature of just doing better and being better and I'm not talking about being better than other people, I'm just saying a better version of yourself and making a progression which means you're now, you know, one plus one, two, you're now at three, you're now at four, you're now at five, opposed to just being stuck at one or zero or one or zero, right? So there's a few other additional considerations we need to take into account here, and if people have questions, comments or how you're, you know, trying to get into the groove for your new year, let me know in the comments below. But additional considerations is one while you do this, make sure you do celebrate the small wins to maintain that momentum. Simple stuff, but it's easier said than done, right, Make sure you are going out and just spending it with your loved ones and celebrating milestones as you achieve something. Make sure you are addressing that, like taking the time to reflect on that.
Speaker 1:The other thing is finding role models or mentors who can exemplify the outcomes you desire. Help them so they can start to see it and help them then challenge you on it and help them cheerlead you to where you want to be. The other thing is regularly revisit your reflections to stay on track. So the stuff we've been doing today, revisit that. But also, as you make bigger and greater progress, spend the time to reflect. It's not a one-time event and it shouldn't just be an annual event. You should be doing it on a regular basis.
Speaker 1:What are the lessons I've learned? What are the lessons I've learned? What are the things you've achieved? What's working? What isn't working? How do I continue to, you know, redefine that, how do I adapt to that? How do I continuously improve? And that is how you make an ongoing process of ongoing progress. And the other thing is you want to keep refining your action plan as you change, as you gain new insights, as you gain more information, as you learn and as you become a better version of yourself. And, in this case, through the year, you want to continue to refine what that action plan is going to look like.
Speaker 1:How do you make things progress better? You don't want to just keep doing the same, because if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. You need to make the change that's going to make you uncomfortable, because to be uncomfortable means you're growing and I guarantee if you want to be at the top of wherever your dreams or ambitions are, you can't keep being the comfortable individual you are now. You got to start being uncomfortable and get uncomfortable. It's fair game, Like. I'm just telling you how it is Now. To be frank, I don't have this all figured out. I have to keep making adjustments, I have to keep learning, I have to keep doing things. That's going to make things better for me, but that's part of the journey, right? So my final call to action to you is this Start now. Do not wait for the perfect conditions. I kid you not. Get off this podcast after you've downloaded the template in a minute and start now.
Speaker 1:If you have not started this year, start now. Get out there today. You haven't done your exercise for your weight loss. Get out and do it. You haven't gone and done your drawing for you wanting to be really good drawer this year. Get out and do it. You haven't been in your veggie garden and you've got aspirations to have a veggie garden this year. Go down to Bunnings, buy some stuff. Make it happen. It's that simple, Seriously.
Speaker 1:The other thing is remind yourself progress is not perfection. Progress is progress, and sometimes progress can look like you're moving backwards, but that's because you're getting understanding, you're getting lessons, you're getting wisdom to be able to move forward quicker, Because you'll go like this and then you'll go like that. Right, it's a rollercoaster ride. The other thing is you want to continue to encourage yourself, but you just want to make sure you're finding the ways to be consistent. That consistent effort is going to pay you huge dividends. So you want to adapt as necessary and you want to continuously learn from both the setbacks and the achievements, and you can only do that by spending time to reflect, right? So that's what I have for you Now.
Speaker 1:If you do want a free five-minute reflection and action template, there is one here. There's a link you can grab it down below in the show notes, and essentially what it will take you through is and I'm just looking through it here it's basically going to take you through identifying one goal or challenge, right. You're going to spend some time on that, You're going to be reflecting on it, You're going to then brainstorm from that and then you're going to commit to a timeframe and you're going to track it as well. So that's high level. There's a few little bits and bobs in there that will help you make this happen, and I think you'll be amazed how a short, focused exercise can replace, basically, you not knowing what to do, with a little bit more clarity and a little bit more momentum. And that's what this podcast is. This is basically taking this podcast and putting it into a short five minute process to help you refocus and, I guess, turning the overwhelmment that you're probably feeling right now and really putting it into some immediate and some intentional and some achievable steps to make this year your best year yet. Appreciate you.
Speaker 1:If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, comment, let me know. Let's continue the conversation. Plenty more coming this year. I just wanted to start the year straight off with this reflecting. I've been reflecting, I took some time off and it's been really, really great for me to be able to just get my headspace right and I'm excited for what's to come in 2025.
Speaker 1:But you can be excited all you want, but if you do nothing about it, nothing will happen. So please, please, take action today and come back here in a year's time and tell me what you've done. Tell me what you've done, Prove me wrong. Right that you've been able to make this happen, Because I guarantee you probably 80% of you won't do diddly squat, and I don't mean that in a mean way. The reality is, we have all these ambitions, we have all this drive, we have all this momentum, but we don't execute on it, and that's because we don't necessarily know what we're trying to do. And there's plenty of episodes and there's plenty of episodes.
Speaker 1:Go through the podcast. You can look for the ones around finding purpose, finding your North Star, but I think the key thing is, if you know what you want, if you understand what you want, and then you can align that with your values of happiness and things that make you happy and you're doing things every day for that consistency and you're seeing the results, then you will have nothing to worry about. Go slow, Do it daily, be consistent, have some fun and if you need help, reach out. Send me a message. More than happy to help cheerlead you on and give you some inspiration and provide some support where I can. But go, download that template and I will be back here next week doing it all again. Really do appreciate you. You have a wonderful day, Cheers.