Further Your Lifestyle

Ep.46 - Ways to Further Your Lifestyle | Further Your Lifestyle Podcast

January 23, 2022 Your Host: Chris Furlong Episode 46
Further Your Lifestyle
Ep.46 - Ways to Further Your Lifestyle | Further Your Lifestyle Podcast
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

 ▬▬▬▬ IN SUMMARY ▬▬▬▬

Today I want to chat about actually Furthering Your Lifestyle

I have spoken about MANY ways this can happen... directly and indirectly via guests. 

However I want to really just break it down, and throw some ideas out on the whiteboard and see what sticks. 

Some of these will resonate with you and some wont, but the humour me and let’s see what we can come up with. 

Now the good thing is, this is not all the ways you can do it; actually just the tip of the iceberg. 

 WATCH? https://youtu.be/NPBHj4OIATM

▬▬▬▬ CHAPTERS ▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Welcome to Episode 46

1:26 - Some quick ways to further your life…

3:12 - Deep dive into some further ways!

3:25 - Number 1

5:11 - Number 2

7:27 - Number 3

9:44 - Number 4

12:08 - Number 5

12:37 - What it comes down too…

14:30 - a question for you

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[00:00:00] Chris Furlong: Yo, yo yo, welcome back to the Further your lifestyle podcast, conversations on lifestyle passions and hustles. My name's Chris Furlong. I am your host and I'm super excited to be back here having the conversation with you, uh, episode 46. And did you know, I have a goal this year to get this out to as many people as possible and the best way that you can help do that is share.

[00:00:21] Chris Furlong: If someone, if you think there's an episode that would resonate with someone or maybe you enjoyed it and you think it's worth. Please. That is the best thing that you can do for this podcast at this point in time. And I would greatly appreciate it. However, today I want to talk about furthering your lifestyle.

[00:00:35] Chris Furlong: Now, of course, this whole podcast is called further your lifestyle and that's, that's what it's all about. But I actually want to break down a few ways that you could do this if maybe, you know, listening to some of the guests. I mean, they're always talking about how they're furthered their lifestyle and a lot of the things.

[00:00:50] Chris Furlong: I do when my solo episodes are to encourage you and show you how you can potentially further your lifestyle as well. But today I want to actually get a bit more explicit and actually just break down a few areas in which I believe that if you do these, it's going to help you grow in more than just one way of just, you know, getting.

[00:01:07] Chris Furlong: The result of whatever it is you're pursuing, but actually learn some different skills and learn a lot of things along the way. So really, I just want to, you know, break it down through some things up on the whiteboard and, and really just see what sticks and there's no right or wrong answer to this. And there's thousands.

[00:01:22] Chris Furlong: There is so many, and today we're just touching on the tip of the ice. And what I'm going to do is quickly just throw a few ideas out there. It's just some things that you can quickly jump on and think about and see if any of them actually stick and actually resonate with you. And then I'm going to dive into five other ones, which we'll dive in a little deeper and actually break down some of the understanding some of the perspective and see if that can help you further your life.

[00:01:46] Chris Furlong: Even more, but really some of the, some of the ones which you probably hear of how you can make this year better, or what can you do to level up or, uh, something that you should focus on in ensuring that you can be the best version of yourself? Well, here are four, the first one is face fear, and this, this applies to so many different things, but.

[00:02:06] Chris Furlong: Facing fear would be one that you can do to really further your lifestyle, because it's going to open up so many more doors and so many more opportunities. Another one is eliminate distractions. Now this is way easier said than done, but if you're able to do this, you can change things up big time. You can get some time back.

[00:02:23] Chris Furlong: You're going to enable yourself to focus, be more productive and get things. Another one could be exercise or exercise. More. The idea around exercise is keeping it consistent. It's not about doing too much of it, but ensuring that you're doing enough of it to keep yourself healthy fit and you know, in the zone.

[00:02:39] Chris Furlong: So that could be another way you could do it. And one more is stop making excuses. This is a great way to further your lifestyle, simply because there's so many things that we blame on other things. There's so many things that we make excuses for, that things don't change when really we just need to take action.

[00:02:56] Chris Furlong: So stop making excuses and you'll be able to further your lifestyle. So they're just a quick for that. I believe that you could just quickly run away with right now and, and start to actually apply to your life. But the ones that I want to focus on for this episode, um, and provide a bit more detail and a bit more perspective.

[00:03:14] Chris Furlong: Regardless of these, as I said, there's no right or wrong, but these are just ways and some ideas of things that you can do today to start to further your life. And the first one, uh, coming off the bat being, you know, a new year is to set a goal or set some goals or, uh, whether it is for this year or maybe it is just for, you know, some of the months for this year, but really set some goals and be ambitious about it.

[00:03:40] Chris Furlong: And so the whole point of this is to not set them without understanding, but set them with ambition and with intent and. Knowing what it's going to take. Uh, you know, when you, when you break down goals, it starts to show you what habits and what routines or what systems you might need in place to, to enable these to happen.

[00:03:59] Chris Furlong: And basically it enables you to understand, you know, what is one thing that you can do each day to get closer towards that goal? And that's really the intent here. It's not about setting a big goal. Not knowing what to do about it, to see it come into play, but really setting a goal that you know, that, okay, I can actually do this.

[00:04:16] Chris Furlong: I can, you know, do something per day, whether it was something such as, you know, you want to exercise more this year and how can you do that? How can you exercise five times a week? Where can you put that into your schedule? It doesn't have to necessarily be daily. It could be on a weekly basis or a monthly basis, or however, maybe another way that you could do this.

[00:04:35] Chris Furlong: Set of challenge for the year. You know, maybe it takes away this whole pressure of a goal setting. A challenge may change. I guess your idea or your thinking or the perspective of the goal, and it might actually help you complete the challenge a lot easier. And it, once, sometimes it just really comes down to psychology and the way that we, you know, vision these things or see them, and it could be just because they're scary.

[00:04:58] Chris Furlong: Uh, but as I said before, facing fears is going to help you get ahead this year as well. But really the first one that I wanted to really say is setting some goals or set a goal, but making sure that you do. With ambition with intent and breaking it down. The next one, or the second point that I really want to focus on today is to create something.

[00:05:16] Chris Furlong: Now this is very broad, uh, and it brings in so many different opportunities, so many different things that we can play with in so many different things that we can explore, but the whole purpose, I guess, or the big win for creating something is it requires us to be vulnerable. It requires us to be open and willing to fail.

[00:05:35] Chris Furlong: Um, And once again, bringing it back to, we have to face our fields to face our fears of ourselves and what the fears of what others may think, or the fears of what people, how, how they may judge it or what people might think, which it's, it's, it's a bit, it's a bit cliche, but it's, it's very true because we are so worried about what other people think, where we're at, how people would judge it or we're wired to, or this won't be good enough.

[00:05:59] Chris Furlong: We're actually more worried about. What people would think before they've even seen it. Um, and we make that decision for them. So being able to create something puts us into this position where we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and, you know, the way that they can do this, as it might play with your artistic skills, it might be, you know, your creative skills, so creating something, but taking it that step further and actually.

[00:06:21] Chris Furlong: Sharing it, um, documenting it and sharing it with others and expressing it with others and enabling them to experience that process or that journey or progress as well. Uh, and that's, that's where you have to get vulnerable. That's where you have to get uncomfortable and you have to show it and you know, it means you might fail.

[00:06:39] Chris Furlong: It means you might stuff up, but it might also mean that you get comfortable. It might mean that you grow confident. It might mean. You've actually start to create something that people want to see and people want to buy, or people want to be a part of. And. Until you stop that you're not going to know.

[00:06:54] Chris Furlong: And once again, it really comes down to mindset and facing some of those fears and eliminating distractions and, you know, stop making excuses. But this one would be a big game changer because it's not just enabling you to tap into something that you're really passionate about, but it's going to. Open up some different skills and just the way that you go about doing things yourself and how you even, um, look at yourself or present yourself and it's going to build confidence.

[00:07:21] Chris Furlong: There's so many things that can overflow from just getting out there, creating something and sharing it. Number three is, start something now very similar to creating something. My advice on this one is only start something if you're passionate about or intrigued by it, but you really have to be passionate about it because sometimes forcing this is going to be hard, but if it's something there, which you're curious about something there that you are passionate about, it's going to enable you to start a lot easier and you're going to enjoy the process now.

[00:07:53] Chris Furlong: Really, what I'm talking about here is when it comes to starting something it's about having ownership. It's about taking accountability and it's about putting into play a series of motions to get to an end result. Um, now this can play back to goals and creating something. So they do go hand in hand.

[00:08:10] Chris Furlong: But, you know, this might be a YouTube channel. It might be, you want to document something or maybe it's an Instagram might even be a podcast. It might be neither of those. It might be just, you want to start a book you want to start journaling. You want to, and it does. It really plays back to a lot of the goals and creating something, but starting something on a new journey.

[00:08:28] Chris Furlong: The idea is that getting you out of that comfort zone and getting you uncomfortable and in a new position to think differently and to try new things, but a good way to look at this is. What is it that's always been, been on your mind to build or create something that you've always been curious about or something that you've wanted to explore.

[00:08:47] Chris Furlong: And the other thing to consider is if you don't actually put something in place to, you know, that you can start, that you can actually progress in, it's going to become frustrating. And it's going to be something that maybe isn't right for you. Now, I'm not saying you want to pick something easy, but. As a good example, would it be coming back to exercising?

[00:09:05] Chris Furlong: If, if you want to start a fitness journey, if you want to show to people that, you know, it's easier said than done, or that you want to prove that you can do it to yourself, documenting it and sharing that journey, whether it is via social platforms or whether it's just documenting in a journal, it's going to enable you to progress.

[00:09:23] Chris Furlong: And you're going to see that progression, um, I think sharing it is a great way to keep yourself honest and also accountable and responsible. Sometimes just documenting it and keeping it to itself is enough to keep you motivated and to really stretch you and push you into some new, I guess, ways of living.

[00:09:42] Chris Furlong: And it will further your lifestyle number four, or the next one that I want to chat about is volunteering. And this one. Can be a great way to learn new skills or learn new ways of doing things. And it's also a huge way to, um, open up your eyes or open up your mind to new ways of doing things. You can do this in so many different ways, and there's so many different opportunities out there for this, but usually, you know, it takes place at a charity or at an organization.

[00:10:08] Chris Furlong: These organizations have an intent to make a difference in the world, whether it's a small on a small area, like on a micro level, or maybe it's on a macro level and it's a global organization, but regardless they're out there to make a difference. Make an impact. And I think what's really encouraging about this is when you go into that situation, when you go into that environment, into that ecosystem, uh, you get to see what happens and, and how it happens and the processes that are required to make it happen.

[00:10:36] Chris Furlong: And it's inspiring. It's it's life-changing and it can be quite encouraging to see that all these things are happening. It can also be quite a, um, eye-opener to show that. Like these things need to happen in order for, you know, these people to get that, or, you know, whether it's people giving out water or giving food to the poor or close, close to the poor or supporting people, or there's ones that, you know, helping raise money for, for research, for diseases and all that jazz.

[00:11:04] Chris Furlong: There's so many out there there's so many that I wouldn't even know or understand. Uh, but the whole point of this. It's for you to get out there and to understand, you know, this things bigger than ourselves. And in that, that you can be part of something that is making a big difference. And sometimes that's all we need, you know, it's not necessarily about us, you know, we don't need to start something and, you know, pursue for greatness and to, to make a life-changing goal or something like that, which are the ones that I've kind of touched on already.

[00:11:30] Chris Furlong: This one might be. Something for you that you need to enable you to grow and try new things, and you will learn new skills. You'll have to deal with people. You'll have to follow a process. You'll have to operate out of your normal working routine or your normal working environment. It's going to stretch you.

[00:11:47] Chris Furlong: It's going to, um, be a way that you. Make a huge difference for not only, you know, yourself, but for parts of the world or someone else in the world, or be part of something greater than yourself. Uh, it's a great way to really experience a way to fit your lifestyle and the final one. And number five, that is, is to learn a new skill.

[00:12:10] Chris Furlong: And it does come back to a lot of. You know, one, two and three of starting something or creating something or setting a goal. But sometimes it's not about setting goals. Sometimes there's just like, you want to learn to cook, or maybe you want to play a particular sport, or maybe you've always wanted to do some, you know, do it yourself at home or DIY.

[00:12:28] Chris Furlong: And this is a chance to learn. It's a, it's a chance to learn something new. It will be. You might need to set a goal or you need to take a challenge, but you don't have to. It might just be as simple as you want to be able to cook your meals every, every night for seven days a week. But it means you will need to, you know, do, do some actions, right.

[00:12:47] Chris Furlong: And take action to make it happen. You can share it. You don't have to, but the thing here is, you know, you won't necessarily be volunteering for someone else, but you will be volunteering for yourself. You're going to be giving up time. You're going to be sacrificing time that you would have spent elsewhere in your life and putting it here in this part of your life to.

[00:13:06] Chris Furlong: To change, to grow, to learn this new skill. And I think that's important because it's an investment, right. You know, you're literally taking a percentage of your time, investing it into this area to see if you can grow and see if you can get some bigger and better outputs, awesome rewards. And it is usually very, very rewarding.

[00:13:23] Chris Furlong: It's a win-win process. It's not always an easy process, but it will be a rewarding one. And I think it's important to understand that you get to set this. There's no one else setting this for you. With all these, this all comes back to you at the end of the day. If you do want to make a difference in your life, you need to take action.

[00:13:42] Chris Furlong: You can help make a difference in someone else's life by helping them make actions or encourage them or inspire them or influence them or direct them. But you're not the one doing the work. You're just there to really guide them. So. It really does apply to you that if you want to further your lifestyle or through the, your life or change your life, you need to take action.

[00:14:02] Chris Furlong: It really is that simple, but these are some of the ways that you can do. And as I said, these five ways, aren't all the ways you can do it. There's so many ways that you can do it. And I'd love to share. I'll come, I'll come back and I'd love to share some more ways that you can do this. And. You might not think about it, but getting a pit is a way to fill your lifestyle because you have to learn new skills.

[00:14:22] Chris Furlong: You have to become accountable, you have to come responsible and all these things play bigger parts into your life as you progress. So a question that I have. Before we finish up is, you know, have, have you done something which you feel has furthered your life or maybe is furthering your lifestyle? And if you think it's something that other people should hear, let us know, reach out, um, be more than happy to connect and have this conversation.

[00:14:47] Chris Furlong: And maybe it's something that we can bring onto the, onto the podcast as an episode. So Kevin keep an ear out and your eyes peeled for more episodes like this, but really I want to continue that conversation because sometimes. People are doing so many different things, so many wonderful things. And until you hear it from them, get to understand their perspective and realize that there's actually a huge opportunity here for others to learn and grow and, and take away.

[00:15:11] Chris Furlong: So if you want to connect, you can hit us up on Instagram at physio lifestyle, otherwise on Twitter at further your life, you can also drop us an email at hello. At Fidelio lifestyle.com. The point is reach out let's connect and let's, let's see if we can further this conversation and not just further our lifestyles.

[00:15:28] Chris Furlong: Uh, if you enjoyed this, I would really appreciate that. You can share it with someone, reach out. If you think there's someone that this could resonate with, um, please, please do share it. I have a goal to hit 10,000 downloads this year, and I want you to be part of that. I want to see if we can continue to grow this because.

[00:15:46] Chris Furlong: At the end of the day, this is a conversation I'm not here with all the right answers. I'm not here with, um, all the best answers, but I am here to have a conversation and to help encourage others to further their lifestyle, whether it is through conversation, whether it's through passions, hustles, or anything like that.

[00:16:02] Chris Furlong: Because at the end of the day, we're all here. Just trying to figure out what we want. We want purpose. We want, we want passion. We want to be known for something. Or maybe we don't. Maybe we just want to be able to do, do life and have fun. And that's what. And being able to share these stories, sharing these perspectives and to help bring some encouragement is, is really all the intent that I want to achieve here.

[00:16:24] Chris Furlong: And we can do that more and more if we, if we. Appreciate you listening. Of course, reach out. Let's have a conversation and, um, yeah, you have a wonderful day. Cheers. Now, if you didn't know, we do have the podcast merge and this is with a key focus of enamel pins. Now, if you haven't checked these out, make sure you do because the intent of these are really just to be a small token and a reminder for you to charge on, to push on and to further your lifestyle, whether it is a gift for someone else to encourage them or maybe to inspire them, or maybe it's a way to motivate.

[00:16:56] Chris Furlong: Or you can simply just make a purchase to simply support the podcast, which would be greatly appreciated. We do also have some sweaters and some long tees, so make sure you check it out, link in the description and in the show notes, really to appreciate it. Cheers.

Welcome to Episode 46
Some quick ways to further your life…
Deep dive into some further ways!
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
What it comes down too...