Further Your Lifestyle

Ep.45 - 5 Books to Further Your Life in 2022 | Further Your Lifestyle Podcast

January 16, 2022 Your Host: Chris Furlong Episode 45
Further Your Lifestyle
Ep.45 - 5 Books to Further Your Life in 2022 | Further Your Lifestyle Podcast
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

 ▬▬▬▬ IN SUMMARY  ▬▬▬▬
5 Books you should read in 2022 to further your lifestyle or to level up! 

In 2021, I read 13 books myself and of those, here are 5 I wanted to share with you. 
You can see all the 13 books I read below if you are curious too! 

13 Books: 

  1. Atomic Habits - https://amzn.to/3GhHuMC
  2. The Common Path To Uncommon Success - https://amzn.to/3qc0UNk
  3. 12 Rules of Life - https://amzn.to/3GiZvdj 
  4. Greenlights - https://amzn.to/3qdFL5h 
  5. Twelve and a Half - https://amzn.to/34E8yHY 
  6. Rework - https://amzn.to/3K5ItS6
  7. Think and Grow Rich - https://amzn.to/3zMs3cQ
  8. The Psychology of Money - https://amzn.to/33sxx01
  9. Profit First - https://amzn.to/3zNvFLu
  10. Shoe Dog - https://amzn.to/33tEMos
  11. Finding Ultra - https://amzn.to/3qgNcZy
  12. The Law of Action - https://amzn.to/3zNvYpC
  13. The 10x Rule - https://amzn.to/3HNVLku

WATCH? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXV4AJTJQOU

▬▬▬▬ CHAPTERS ▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Welcome to Episode 45
0:36 - the top 5 books you should in 2022
2:05 - BOOK 1: Atomic Habits

4:42 - BOOK 2: The Common Path To Uncommon Success: A Roadmap To Financial Freedom And Fulfillment

6:48 - BOOK 3: 12 Rules of Life

8:32 - BOOK 4: Greenlights

10:13 - BOOK 5: Twelve and a Half

12:04 - thats 5 books
12:48 - question for you?
13:47 - wrap up
14:18 - thank you!

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[00:00:00] Chris Furlong: Yo, yo yo, welcome back to the further, your lifestyle podcast, conversations on lifestyle passions and hustles. My name's Chris Furlong. I am your host and I'm super thrilled to be back here once again for another episode. And we're on episode 45. And if you haven't caught up on episode 44, which was to kickstart 20, 22, I do encourage you to go jump over, have a listen to that because hopefully that will give you some extra push some motivation, uh, to make 2020 to your best year yet.

[00:00:28] Chris Furlong: Let's just dive straight into it because I'm super excited to be able to have this conversation with you because I'm just, I'm just excited. Let, let let's get into it. Okay. So over the past year I've been doing a lot of reading and one of the goals I had last year was to read 12 books. I managed to actually, uh, finished reading 13 books.

[00:00:47] Chris Furlong: Actually, when I talk about reading, I actually, I like to listen. I listened to my books when, when running, um, Out of those 13 books, all these books were amazing and all of them will be in the show notes below. However, I wanted to pick out five, which I believe, I think are a must for anyone to listen to whether you're starting a business, whether you're trying to.

[00:01:08] Chris Furlong: Do some self-development and become a better version of yourself, or maybe you're just interested in leveling up. I think these books will really bring some fresh perspective and really encourage you to think outside of the box as well, with whatever it is that you're doing or working on. So I really wanted you to hear this from me because I think they will enable you to grow.

[00:01:27] Chris Furlong: And at the end of the day, I think we're always trying to grow something. Or another. And if you don't like reading or then I would recommend go listening via audible, or, you know, there's multiple ways that you can consume this kind of content, or maybe even some of the smallest summary versions of these books, but I'm not here to tell you all about the book.

[00:01:43] Chris Furlong: I'm here to just tell you a high level, what I took away from it and why I think it's going to be a good book for you. So let's jump into the top five books. I think you should read in 22. Oh, yeah. And make sure you grab some pen and paper. If you are sitting at home doing nothing, of course, if you're driving and whatnot, or if you're running you can't, but you know, you can come back to this and take some notes.

[00:02:03] Chris Furlong: We'll refer back to it later. Let's get into it. Book number one, atomic habits by James clear. Now coming fresh from episode 44. If you have listened to this just recently you'll know that that, that was all about trying to make progress and making 20, 22 your best year yet. And with that in mind, atomic habits is all about that.

[00:02:23] Chris Furlong: Making progress. It's about if you want to make progress and how it starts with habits and making small progress over a long period of time. There's a very famous quote or saying from this book that James dives into, which talks about 1% every day, over 365 days is basically 1.38 at the end of the.

[00:02:42] Chris Furlong: Which is 3800% or 3800% better. And this book is that guide on making this happen. It's look, it's a detailed book. It goes through a lot of structures and systems and things that you can do to make this happen, but it's simple enough that anyone can do it and you can probably take components of it and make it your own as well.

[00:03:04] Chris Furlong: Of course, if you follow the book, you're more likely to get to the, to the, to the result that he's expecting or explaining that you can achieve. But I think. Understand what an atomic habit is. It's, it's a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do, but it's also a source of, I guess, incredible power.

[00:03:22] Chris Furlong: This is how he's defined it. And a component of a system of compound growth. Now, if you know anything about compounding, that's where the money is at, because when we talk about compounding, usually we talk about when you're saving, when you're investing. That after a long period of time, things start to just grow exponentially.

[00:03:38] Chris Furlong: And that's what he's trying to help you achieve here with atomic habits. The other things he talks about his bad habits and how they repeat themselves again and again, not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. Built into our, you know, the way we've always been working or the way we've always been doing things.

[00:03:57] Chris Furlong: And it's about trying to break them and change that system. And then changes, I guess when we think about changes, what originally starts small and seem small and unimportant at the start will eventually compound into remarkable results. And if you're willing to stick with them for a long period of time, I'm not talking days I'm talking potentially years, then, you know, it will give you some big, big dividends and some big life changing results.

[00:04:22] Chris Furlong: And it goes through and covers across five different, big ideas and how this works. But I would highly recommend going to have a listen to this one, if you're just trying. You know, wanting to change some things that you want in your life and trying to implement this on a very easy but daily level. Uh, this is the book for you.

[00:04:39] Chris Furlong: So a atomic habits by James clear book number two, and this might actually be probably my favorite book for the year. Um, these are in no particular order, by the way, but book number two, um, that has stood out for me is the common path to uncommon success by John Lee Dumas. Now here's a podcast. He himself amazing guy.

[00:04:58] Chris Furlong: He is. Absolutely on fire, doing crazy things. And he's also getting into the NFT space, but this is, this is an amazing book. And once again, I listened to all these and there's usually different things that you can get from doing this in a physical book. Like there's some actions or some things that you can fill out and whatnot, but literally this is a guide to help you follow a path of success.

[00:05:19] Chris Furlong: You find yourself always wanting wishing or pursuing, you know, when you looking by Instagram or online, and you're seeing these highlight reels and you think, oh yeah, that's all a highlight reel, but then there's these people that just seem to just have it all together and know what they're doing. I'm talking about the big grates, the ones that have always inspired us.

[00:05:35] Chris Furlong: This is how to get to that. It's literally a roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment, and it basically goes through 17 steps on how you can do this and make it happen. And what I love about this book is though it's not necessarily just an easy process, you know, it, it goes to an Intel's you that, you know, you're going to have to do this.

[00:05:55] Chris Furlong: You're going to have to put in the hard work. It's just so practical. And he puts it out in such a simple, direct, and just, it's basically just, it's just laid it out there, ready to be taken. And I'm surprised. I guess at the end of the day, when you read this book, if you're not following the steps in this book, it's probably because you don't have the motivation or the drive to follow the steps because it's a lot of hard work and, you know, I'll be the first to say there's areas of this book that I've taken, but I haven't done the others and I need to do more of it because.

[00:06:24] Chris Furlong: It's just sitting there ready to help you become what you want to be. And most of the time, it comes down to financial freedom and fulfillment because we financial freedom. You can do a lot of different things that you want to do. So I would highly encourage you that if you, if you, especially, if you're starting a business or wanting to start a business, or you're wanting to escape the nine to five, this book will, will level you up to that, to that level, to enable you to make that happen.

[00:06:48] Chris Furlong: Book number three. 12 rules of life by Jordan Peterson. Now this one, I think it's a book to bring perspective. It's a very, very deep book. Uh, it's, it's a lot to digest. Um, and they're deep conversations. Uh, I guess he brings together a whole bunch, actually 12 perspectives to help you open your eyes and understand things better or with a new perspective than before.

[00:07:12] Chris Furlong: So it helps give you clarity and understanding, and I guess. Really the intent is to help broaden your horizon and understanding and perspective to enable you then to make. Decisions and to avoid, um, having chaos in your life. That's really what it's about is these 12 rules of life to avoid chaos. So I guess, you know, it brings together all areas of life, as we know it, and he goes into detail of each and he goes through stories, he goes through, um, different parallels and how they play out.

[00:07:43] Chris Furlong: It's, it's very deep. And I know I'm probably sounding a bit wishy, wishy washy of like, Chris, what is this book? But it's like, he takes all these themes and areas and topics that 12. And the things that we think we know about life and he splashes them against a white canvas to bring out the color, the deeper meaning and the context in which maybe we had never known or seen them before.

[00:08:03] Chris Furlong: That's that's really the way I could explain it. It's like sometimes you see someone draws some. And then you think, and what is this? And then all of a sudden they turn it upside down and it's like this beautiful picture of a portrait or something like that. That's what this book does, but for life and 12 rules to make sure you're avoiding chaos in your life.

[00:08:20] Chris Furlong: So very, very deep book. Very, very good book. Great. Listen, I enjoyed it, but it is deep and very filling philosophical. So I would encourage you to have a, have a listen to it because it will, it will open your eyes and you will see some things differently. Book number four, which is GreenLights by Matthew McConaughey and.

[00:08:36] Chris Furlong: You know, I, I didn't realize this before listening to this book that, you know, yes. I mean, we know him for his acting and he's an amazing actor, but he's done a lot of things outside of acting and probably a lot of things that you didn't realize. And this book really is his biography, but it's more than that.

[00:08:52] Chris Furlong: It's, it's a big story and he loves to do great stories. He's such an amazing storyteller. In this book, really what he wants to do. And, and he wants to lay out for you in, I guess, the perspective of telling his life story up to the time of, I think he's around 50 now. It's about how to line up your ducks and how to, you know, hit those green lights in a row.

[00:09:13] Chris Furlong: Um, how to avoid the red lights and how to manage the yellows, you know, using a lot of parallels and, um, You know, reflecting upon what we would know, you know, red light, green light, and yellow lights, as you know, when you're driving, but basically leveraging his biography with stories, takeaways, and bumper stickers here.

[00:09:31] Chris Furlong: He brings in these little things called bumper stickers, where he gives you these words of advice and how to. I think outside of the box or think about something differently and he's very witty and he brings a lot of poetry into it as well. But I think at the end of it, he really just wants you to be ready and willing to take more risks in life.

[00:09:47] Chris Furlong: And that's, that's what the book is about. And it's, it's really inspiring seeing how, I guess, how unafraid he was to take. And to go on wild adventures in his life. And I think it's a great way to start the year as well with this book is probably a great way to motivate you and encourage you to, to try new things this year and to be willing, to get flexible and be willing to, um, yeah, go on a ride.

[00:10:11] Chris Furlong: So I highly recommend this book as well. Now, the final one, and as I said at the start of this, you know, I did read 13 books, but these five have been probably the biggest impact to me and the others are just as powerful, but number five was 12 and a half by Gary V and I've actually got it right here in front of me.

[00:10:28] Chris Furlong: This was actually gifted to me by Ethan Rue shock. I ended up listening to it and not actually reading this version, but it's great to be able to have this because it's, it's a reminder of everything anyway. 12 and a half leveraging the emotional ingredients necessary for business success. And the way I look at this is essentially whether you have a business, whether you're planning to start a business, or maybe you just want to win better at life.

[00:10:51] Chris Furlong: I guess Gary B's 12 and a half book brings you these 12 emotional ingredients, as I said, but we've got. Tips and tricks to leverage them and how they are key to the success in business, but also life in general. Uh, so he, he leveraged his, his own experience and he's an amazing man. He's done amazing things and he's, he's very candid.

[00:11:11] Chris Furlong: Like he just gets straight to the point and that's what I love. There's no BS, he just gets straight to it and he helps you just understand it and leveraging his own experience. He also goes through a series of scenarios. All of these emotional ingredients of these 12 and a half and how he would leverage these emotional, I guess, traits or emotional tools or different types of emotions in these scenarios in order to get out of that situation or to manage that situation or to do better in that situation.

[00:11:39] Chris Furlong: And this is across business life and just situations, but essentially this, this book will set you up for success. It is literally a practical guide. For the emotional rollercoasters we have when dealing with people, because people bring out our emotions and this is a great way to leverage them, to enable you to move forward upwards and onwards.

[00:11:57] Chris Furlong: Uh, so yeah, it's, it's a very encouraging book and Gary's doing some amazing things right now. I would highly encourage you to go check out his car. So that's five books for, for you to go read this year to listen to this year, they have been amazing books, and I want to listen and read more books this year for myself, because there's so much, I guess, opportunity to learn and understand from these different perspectives and insights from these amazing authors, whether they're.

[00:12:23] Chris Furlong: Experienced business people, or maybe they've just gone through a long life career, or maybe they've just gone on an adventure that we haven't, but these people are basically giving you breadcrumbs or I guess, tips and tricks to success, success leaves, clues, right. And you can follow these clues and get the same results.

[00:12:41] Chris Furlong: It's always great to reflect on what these people are doing that have gotten to this position and see how they got there. And a lot of these. Help you understand that? So you've got some homework to do. Um, but if you've got some books that you think I should be listening to, or other people should be listening to, or reading or consuming, or however you like to do it, let me know in the comments, reach out.

[00:12:58] Chris Furlong: You know, you can send me a tweet over at further your life, or you can drop me a DM on Instagram at, for the, your lifestyle. Or you can drop me an email@helloatfurtheryourlifestyle.com either way get in contact. You can also leave a comment on the YouTube experience. It would be great. And if you think there's something here for someone else, if you think one of these books or all these books is going to be relevant for someone.

[00:13:22] Chris Furlong: Send this episode to them, get them to have a list and get them to understand why, uh, these books are probably going to be best. You could even give them one of these books. I would love to be able to give out more and more books and there'll be more on that kind of stuff happening this year, across my podcasts, across the physio lifestyle podcast, but also across my own personal.

[00:13:41] Chris Furlong: Challenge in life and things that I'm doing. Um, and you know, if you want to follow that journey, that's CLFurlong, but it's all about understanding and taking in this information because the more you can learn, the more you can get inside you to help you understand and get better perspective. It's going to help you make better decisions, um, and learn quicker because you know, there's nothing.

[00:14:02] Chris Furlong: Wrong with obviously going through mistakes, yourself, and learning and having to go through that process. But if you can learn of what other people's mistakes were and you can then avoid them. Well, it's going to put you ahead and these books help you get those answers a lot quicker than going through them yourself.

[00:14:18] Chris Furlong: Really do appreciate you being here. Um, it's been once again, it's super great to be able to have this conversation with you. I'm super motivated for this year, and it'll be interesting to see how, how long this, this, uh, excitement lasts for the year. But I think. You got it. You got to really spare on each other and just go in with the attitude of you want to get things done.

[00:14:36] Chris Furlong: Um, and it's not about necessarily new year's and things like that. It's about just new days as well. So appreciate you being here. Um, if you like this, you know, do all the great things and do support, share, give some love, and um, if you want to chat, continue the conversation you can reach out. As I had mentioned before, otherwise you have a wonderful day.

[00:14:53] Chris Furlong: Cheers. Now, if you didn't know, we do have the podcast merge and this is where the key focuses. And Namel pins. Now, if you haven't checked these out, make sure you do because the intent of these are really just to be a small token and a reminder for you to charge on, to push on and to further your lifestyle, whether it is a gift for someone else to encourage them, or maybe to inspire them, or maybe it's a way to motivate yourself, or you can simply just make a purchase to simply support the podcast, which would be greatly appreciated.

[00:15:21] Chris Furlong: We do also have some sweaters and some long tees, so make sure you check it out, link in the description and in the show. Really to appreciate it. Cheers.