Further Your Lifestyle

EP. 161 - You are not Falling Behind... | Further Your Lifestyle Podcast

Your Host: Chris Furlong Episode 161

Watch here: https://youtu.be/5Dn7v__E1sw

Have you ever felt like life's incessant march forward leaves no room for missteps or deviations from the norm? Join me, Chris, as we traverse the emotional landscape of self-discovery and tackle the fears that come with feeling like we're falling behind. Through personal reflections and shared stories, we journey together to unearth the hidden gems of growth and patience that lie within life's unpredictable twists and turns. This episode is a heartfelt invitation to reexamine what truly matters, encouraging you to run your own race at your pace, and to find solace in the knowledge that your path is yours and yours alone, brimming with tales worth their own spotlight.

As we weave through the tapestry of life's ups and downs, I open up about my own experiences, from the routine of the daily grind to the exhilarating challenges of marathon running and the unexpected joys of raising chickens. These anecdotes serve as a backdrop for us to reflect on our unique journeys, highlighting the importance of building a solid foundation, mastering the art of patience, and discovering personal fulfillment in the adventures and curveballs that life throws our way. Whether you're a seasoned listener or this is your first time tuning in, this installment of our podcast promises a rich narrative that celebrates the beauty of life's rich tapestry and the resilience we all carry within us.

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Speaker 1:

Yo yo yo. Welcome back to the Further your Lifestyle podcast conversations on lifestyle passions and hustles. My name's Chris, I'm your host and I'm super excited to be back here having the conversation with you Episode 161 today and the first thing I want to say off the bat is a big thank you to you. Whether you've been here watching on the YouTube since I moved across to the channel, or if you've been here since day one, from the audio episodes that we had originally just going out on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or all the great places, I really really do appreciate you. Even if you've been here for one episode, it means the absolute world to me. Now, if you're new here, if you're new here, the best thing that you can do for me is hit subscribe or hit like or leave a comment or just become part of the conversation. Get involved, reach out to me or share this episode with someone.

Speaker 1:

Today's topic we're actually diving into you're not falling behind in life and this one resonated with me. Every so often, I try to scale the internet and find a few different things. That prompts me for inspiration and ideas around how we can find different perspectives on furthering our lifestyles, and for me, I always try and find something that's relevant for me, because a lot of the time me sharing with you, like these episodes, is me sharing with you things that I'm dealing with, things that I'm going through as I'm trying to further my own lifestyle, and something for me is sometimes the you know, I've struggled with it in the past and I've done numerous episodes on. It is sometimes, whether it's the imposter syndrome or the doubt, or maybe you feel like maybe you're not where you're meant to be, or falling behind, and I've also spoken to a few other people that have been dealing with this kind of situation as well. You can't compare yourself to someone who's miles ahead of you, but we tend to do it anyway, and that's really what I wanted to address today.

Speaker 1:

So I found these points and I've kind of you know, paraphrased them a bit so it's not taking it from anyone else and I'm going to read them out to you Basically one, two, three, four, five, six different points around you are not falling behind in life, but et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So we're going to get into that in a minute. I'm going to roll the intro and then we're going to get into it. Let's do it. So, these different things. They might resonate with you. They might not All of them might Some might. That's up to you.

Speaker 1:

The point here is that I've taken this to try and get a different perspective. As I said before, I'm going to read them out to you, then we're going to talk about some of the common themes and some of the different patterns that I've found in them, and then I'll probably dive in a little bit deeper in terms of some additions, of maybe a bit more understanding, in case you didn't really get it, you know, maybe with some down to earth analogies and things like that. So and I've used ChatGPT to really help synthesize this information that I've gathered and put the notes together and then put it back in a way that I can read it and understand it in a presentable way as I have the conversation with you. And that's what I love to be able to do, because you know as much as I would love to have more guests. This has been the best way to be able to continue to bring what I believe is the most important thing for you guys in helping you achieve and further your own lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

So, number one, you are not falling behind in life. You are figuring out what truly matters to you. Number two you are not falling behind in life. You are building a foundation of future success. Number three you are not falling behind in life. You are mastering patience for greater things. Number four you are not falling behind in life, you are running your own race at your own pace. Love that one. Number five you are not falling behind in life, you are running your own race at your own pace. Love that one. Number five you are not falling behind in life, you are experiencing life. And number six you are not falling behind in life, you are falling into life.

Speaker 1:

So these can be very deep If you really want to take the time and really dive into them, which we're going to. They are deep, but there's some common themes here. Right, there's a lot of patterns or themes around. I guess it's self-discovery or personal growth, which I think we're all on and we all need to be on. There's the common thread of persistence and building a strong foundation of who we are, what we want and the life that we want to create and figuring that out. There's the theme of patience and trusting the process. Sometimes Things just take time and we've got to trust the process. Then there's the theme of individuality and avoiding the comparison which I just spoke about before.

Speaker 1:

I've struggled with that in the past as well. There's embracing life's journey and its experiences. Look, life throws so many different things at us and sometimes it's really hard to figure out. What do we do with it? How do we juggle it all? And then the sixth one is another theme is embracing uncertainty and the unknown. We don't know what tomorrow brings. We can plan for it.

Speaker 1:

And I recently had a situation where last week I wanted to do get ahead. I'd been away from the business, I was so excited to get in early, do all these different things, and then I had a car accident. It wasn't my fault, someone ran into the back of me and it actually it changed the whole week. It actually meant I had less time to do what I wanted to do this week. But these things happen. These things happen. That's life. So you know, we need to take that into account. So if we look at these in a bit more of an additional point perspective and this isn't going to be a long episode this is really going to be sharp and to the point.

Speaker 1:

Self-discovery right, when we think about self-discovery, really through our own doing, of understanding who we are and the passions that we love. For me, I think I have grown the most I've ever grown before as an individual, working for myself and taking a chance on me four years ago, than when I was working for a consulting company for eight years. That helped me grow to a certain point. It grew me to the point where I was confident enough to take the risk and be willing to then go try something on my own. But because now I've had to go through this journey of figuring out everything for myself, there's been a big component of self-discovery. For me, the running is that self-discovery, but really it's finding your passion, your purpose, your thing, through the exploration of doing stuff, and that might be from doing hobbies and passions and things.

Speaker 1:

Number two is building a foundation. We're talking about the themes here, building a foundation, I think, as we go through life and we're going to get into some of the different details of those different falling behind in life points, get into some of the different details of those different falling behind in life points. But building a foundation is absolutely crucial because having a baseline, having a routine, having something that you can fall back onto, enables you to relax. It means that you're able to get back to baseline conditioning and it means that you can, from there, then springboard up. What I mean by that is, for me, routine junkie. I have a flow, I have a system, I have a process, I have a routine that I have for the week, so if things aren't going well, there's always something to fall back on, whether it's nacho night, whether it's, you know, monday nights is a certain thing or I know that these days I do my running, or these days I like to play video games, whatever it is. Finding that way to be able to have a foundation and this is also comes back to then, you know, as we want to springboard into greater things, you need to have done the reps to be able to make that springboarding so much easier.

Speaker 1:

The next one is then mastering patience. You know this theme of mastering patience. It means that we have to, we have to find ways to do that. For me, again, being able to pull together my thoughts, understand them, break them down, is when I get to do that while I'm running. Finding that for yourself, it might mean you're having to do some mindfulness, you might have to do some meditation, you might have to find some individual time and find ways that you can then take that to then apply it to everything else that you're doing, because things will get challenging. Things will be a challenge, things will be tough and rough and you've got to figure out how to ride through those with a lot of patience.

Speaker 1:

Number four was running your own race. This theme of running your own race, I mean I can talk about this for days. I mean I run as a hobby, as a passion, and that is because it helps me become a better version of myself, and this is the same for when we're doing anything else in life. You can't expect that you're just going to be able to get out there and run a marathon tomorrow. You've got to build up to it, but it's going to take the time that it requires for you to get to it. For some it might mean that they could literally get up and just go do it, because that's the type of person they are, but for some of us it might mean training 20 weeks. You've got to run your own race. There's nothing else you can do about it.

Speaker 1:

Number five was experiencing life. You know, look, experiencing life comes in all shapes and forms. I can only share what I've done, because that's all I've done. You know, I've worked the nine to five. I graduated from university. I've ran my own business. I've had multiple businesses. I do a lot of running. I've got the podcast. I do YouTube. I've done a bit of veggie gardening. I've raised chickens before. I have a passion for animals. I love all these different things. I collect Pokemon cards, all these weird and wonderful things. But that's me. That's how I've experienced life my family, my loved ones. It's my life. How you go about experiencing your life is going to be a different experience for me. Some of us have gone through really tough journeys to get to blossoming, to a flower. Afterwards, maybe you're still going through a tough time, but that's just part of the life experience. It's not the end of it yet.

Speaker 1:

The last theme was then falling into life, or this uncertainty of the unknown. I guess when we there's two ways we can look at this. Sometimes we can be excited for, oh, we don't know what's going to happen. It's exciting, it's a mystery box, but it can be scary also to think what's going to happen. You know, the best way to deal with this is focus on what you can control. That is the best thing you can do. So, coming back to the points around, you are not falling behind in life. There was six key ones, right? And the first one was figuring out what matters. Right, you're not falling behind in life, you're just trying to figure out what matters. And this one is, I guess, an analogy that we can look at it from is imagine life is as a treasure hunt, where each setback is like finding clues that bring you closer to the treasure. As you experience life, as you figure out things, you're going to learn what you like, you're going to learn what you love, you're going to learn what your passion is, and then you can double down on it, and then it's going to get you closer to that treasure, to that excitement, to that experience, to that passion, to that joy and to that purpose.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to building a foundation, we've got to think of this like building a house, or building something which you're going to live in, or you're going to put something in. Every setback is like adding a brick and by doing that, you're making the foundation stronger. Sometimes it might mean that we have a goal to do something within one year. Maybe you have some setbacks, maybe it takes you three years. Is that necessarily bad? That those three years of you developing resilience, strength, understanding, knowledge, experience, how to deal with situations is going to make the next three easier. It's not going to be as hard because now you know how to do things, you know how to handle things, you have a foundation, you have something to fall back onto if you needed to start from zero again, mastering patience. You're not falling behind in life, you're just mastering patience for greater things.

Speaker 1:

Picture life as like a what's a good way of looking at it Like a garden of sorts, right, and when we have a garden, we plant the seeds. We have to care for the seeds, we have to water them, but they need time to grow. And this is the same for our dreams and aspirations. Obviously, we've got to do the work, we've got to put in the action. It's not passive like a flower, but you still need to care for it. You need to provide nutrients, water. Sometimes it might require pruning. It's the same for us. Our dreams and aspirations require feeding, watering, pruning, support, love, care, all these different things.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to running your own race and look, I think this analogy will be exactly the same as what I said before. Consider life as a marathon. That's the journey. Right, it's a marathon journey where everyone is running their own race. There's always going to be these front forerunners like the ones that are just absolute elites doing like two minutes, 17 splits. It just blows my mind how people do that. For me, I think my fastest marathon I averaged jeepers must've been about a 6.44 pace, did it four hours and 44 minutes Nothing crazy, but it's average, it's good, it's not bad. That's me and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Number five was you're not falling behind in life. When it comes to experiencing life, we need to think of it like a storybook filled with adventures, filled with lessons and filled with things waiting to be discovered. How good is it when you read a book and it's so exciting. You just don't know what's going to be on the next page as you turn, and you want to know what's going to happen because you want to learn, you want to discover, you want to experience it. That's life. Take that approach to life.

Speaker 1:

The last one was falling into life, embracing that uncertainty. You're not falling behind, you're just falling into life, and I guess a good analogy to this would be like the rollercoaster rides you know there's going to be those unexpected twists and turns, and it's going to make the journey exciting, scary, maybe full of fear and worry at some points, but it's going to be worthwhile in the end because you're going to come out and you have realized that the ups and downs is what made it enjoyable, because if it was just the same, always one, you wouldn't have learned anything. Two, you probably would have became bored. And three, it doesn't have a story as much, right?

Speaker 1:

Look, I want to encourage you like we're going to finish it up here but when we can reframe our perspectives on the setbacks or the challenges that we have and when we start to see them as maybe opportunities or perspectives for growth, or opportunities for growth or a way to find more self-discovery, that's when life will become that beautiful adventure that we want it to be or that we hear about in movies or read in books. And you know the cliche of it all, but the reality is, life is filled and full of ups and downs. I mean, I've been around for 32 years and I've had my fair share and I'll have plenty more. But every experience contributes to your unique story, my unique story, everyone's unique story.

Speaker 1:

So live life, understand that you're not falling behind. You're just taking your time, you're doing it your way, you're figuring it out, you're building, you're experiencing, but most of all, my challenge to you is just make sure you're happy about it. If you're not happy about it, change something. Do something about it. Talk to someone. You know if you're compromising your happiness for someone else's happiness, it's not good. It's not good. Find a way that you can take back control of your own happiness and take control of your life. That's it for me today.

Speaker 1:

Folks, if this resonated with you, please, as I said at the start, share it with someone. Let them know. Or maybe there's a point here that is really relevant for you. What was it? Drop me a message or send me a comment on YouTube down below in the comment section. Let me know. Would really appreciate to hear from you. That means the absolute world to me. And look if maybe you've made it this far. If you have made it this far, you're the type of person I want to be asking this next question If you enjoy these episodes and you would like to be part of the podcast sponsorship group, which is basically people that just they pay a monthly fee and they help keep the lights on for the channel.

Speaker 1:

It helps bring me a little bit more income just to be able to put things back into the channel. Some of that is used for other giveaways and things that I do on the channel, but it also helps me work towards maybe some bigger goals and there's some equipment and stuff that I want to save up for the podcast and it really just helps support me as a creator and as someone doing this podcast. You don't have to do it, it's purely just there If you would like to support, if that's what you would like to do, you can also choose to be just be a coffee club member or a Pokemon member as well if you do want to support the channel. But I'll leave that with you, no pressure to do so. I appreciate you being here. You have a wonderful day, cheers.

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